"Exactly what you run from you end up chasing"

When I started my side project, I was finding it difficult to stay in touch with people. I was busy and generally not good with remembering details – I thought I needed a better system. So I decided to build one.

Now I'm a few years into that side project – a notes and reminders app about people – and I've realized things were more complicated. I actually had/have a fear of connecting with people. Not having a system was my subconscious excuse for that. That was the moment the app took on a whole new meaning for me. It went from being a side project to being a key part of improving my life. That's helped with motivation during the tougher times in the development.

I also happen to love the irony... a guy with a fear of connecting with people building an app to help connect with people!

It's like the quote says: "Exactly what you run from you end up chasing"