My Programming Backstory

Several years ago I tried learning iOS programming to build my app but eventually gave up. I ended up paying engineers to build it for me and that was fine; the app’s been going ever since.

Recently though, I’ve been bothered by the disconnect between my ideas and my ability to try them. There’s always a bunch of project management and cost in between… paying XX thousand dollars just to try something is not sustainable.

So I’ve started to learn again.

I grew up in the DOS era and was a big computer nerd as a kid. I remember programming a loop in BASIC and being blown away that a computer would do something forever. For several reasons I never did much with programming after that but clearly there was a spark of something. Feels like that’s coming back now.

This is the earliest photo I’ve found of me at a computer.

Sidenote: I’m playing the driving game “Stunts,” a PC version of the arcade '“Hard Drivin”

Mark Rabo